The Dermatest study consists of a main part and an additional part:
1. Main part
• test persons over the course of 4 weeks
• Dermatological application test
• Subsequent patch testing* in accordance with international guidelines
• Questionnaire test persons
2. Additional part
• 5 test persons over the course of 4 weeks
• Clinical-dermatological application test with VISIA system*
* What is a patch test
Patch testing is a method to detect primary skin irritation potential and/or existing allergic sensitisation. The test substance is applied to the skin. The skin is checked dermatologically at 24, 48 and 72 hours.
* What is VISIA?
With the VISIA™ system it is possible to compare digital pictures of the face in order to compare skin characteristics and conditions. Pores, porphyrins and evenness can be displayed exactly and can not only be evaluated subjectively but objectively as well.