

Helios is a shared charity project of the ENJO worldwide community which was initiated by ENJO Canada. ENJO gives people a better quality of life everyday. This positive transformation is something we want to share with the world. With Helios we support projects which focus on the four pillars of ENJO philosophy.

Our four Pillars:

  • Health: We support projects that promote health and healthy living. We strive to give people and families a better quality of life.
  • Environment: We protect nature and take an active part in creating a cleaner, safer world for future generations.
  • Happy Homes: We build homes for the poorest of the world, giving them hope and opportunities.
  • Empowerment: We believe that education is the foundation for a better future. Access to education is a human right.

Want to support Helios in a more hands on way?
If you want to visit some of our projects, please contact us.

Have a project close to your heart?
Then share this project with us, it may be perfect for Helios. Together we make a difference.

First Projekt: Helios Homes

The Helios Projekt provides homes for the extremely poor all over the world.
Together ENJO and its community are building homes that give hope and opportunities.
Together, we are changing the world, one home at a time.
Together, we are making a difference.
Helios Homes are clean, safe and healthier.

Did you know…

  • Half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day
  • More than 2 Billion people don’t have clean water or basic sanitation
  • One quarter of all humanity lives without electricity
  • Every 3.5 seconds, a child dies from poverty

Second Projekt: Mattresses for school kids in Namibia

By donating mattresses for school kids in Namibia we make sure the kids sleep well and are wide awake and perfectly ready to shine in class. Because the education of children is our future.

The school has about 324 pupils and offers classes up to year 2 in their native language, Otjiherero. Next to Morukutu Primary School is the public boarding school which includes one boys’ and one girls’ bedroom, partly functioning toilets and an open cooking zone.

  • About 200 kids are accommodated and cared for in the boarding school on schooldays. The kids usually come from surrounding farms and villages or are orphans.
  • Up to year 4 English is taught more and more and from year 5 all classes are held in English.
  • Three warm meals are provided every day, almost always pap made from maize meal. Once a week the children receive a fruit.
  • The next projekt will be the roofing of the dining area.
Helios Projekt 1

Third Projekt: Fruit for Schoolchildren in Namibia

Over the period of one year, Helios donates fruit grown by regional ­farmers to 430 schoolchildren in Namibia every week. For the children, who feed mainly on flour porridge, this is a valuable supplement to ­foster health, well-being and better concentration at school.

Helios Projekt 3

Fourth Projekt: Water well projekt

We have build a water well for a kindergarten with space for 40 children in Senegal. The project is accompanied by the Austrian NGO Knowlege makes strong (wissens-macht-stark.org). ENJO has been supporting this association with projects for many years and knows that with Natalie Moosmann and her team the money ends up directly where it is needed.

“The joy was huge. Not only that of the kids, but also of the two fruit women from the village, who now share this task. The water well is almost done. The installation of the tap and the socket for the electricity for the pump is still missing. I am very happy that after a depth of 7 meters we found water under the big boulder. Over the summer, the caretaker of the kindergarten can now water all the plants in the kindergarten area with this water and when the holidays are over, the kindergarten and school can use it alike.”
Natalie Moosmann


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