9 Reasons to Hold an Enjo Demo this Summer

There are many ways that Canadians are hearing about enjo these days – and many ways to bring ENJO into your home. You could be shopping online, attending a virtual event, having a personal appointment or a group demo with one of our ENJOpreneurs. 

If you’re using ENJO to clean your home but you haven’t yet held a Demo, did you know there are even more benefits to buying your ENJO products this way?

What is a Demo?

A Demo is your chance to see ENJO in action and in-person with the guidance of your ENJOpreneur. This can be in your backyard or garden, or as guidelines allow, in your home. Simply gather a few friends together and your ENJOpreneur will show you how ENJO works, PLUS offer personalised advice on using ENJO in your home.

What are the benefits of holding an ENJO Demo?

Holding a Demo is the best way to buy ENJO and enjoy all the benefits of chemical-free cleaning for years to come.

1. Great Savings PLUS FREE Products

Quite simply, holding a Demo means paying less for your cleaning products*. 

Why? ENJO loves to reward Demo Hosts who gather their friends and help to spread the word about creating a healthy home and reducing our impact on the Earth.

By consulting personally with your ENJOpreneur about your cleaning needs, you’ll receive savings on the various room Packs and Client Offers available; and as a Host, you’ll be rewarded with FREE ENJO Shopping. 

And – naturally you’ll save greatly as your ENJO cleaning tools will last for 3 years – no more trips down the cleaning aisle! 

2. You’ll see ENJO in action

Cleaning with just ENJO and water requires a mind-shift after generations of cleaning with toxic chemicals. Seeing is believing! The best way to understand how ENJO works, is to see it in action in your home, on your surfaces. You’ll even have the chance to try the cleaning tools yourself, and your surfaces will get cleaned in the process – a little extra bonus! 

3. Learn how to use the products effectively

ENJO’s cleaning tools are broken down into zones, or rooms, and the fibres in each zone have different cleaning abilities: The Kitchen fibres are cut to handle different dirt than the Bathroom fibres. Your ENJOpreneur will share how this works and how to use each of the tools you look at.

Cleaning effectively is important to creating a healthy home – and thankfully, ENJO is both effective and quick! Once you learn the tips and tricks from your ENJOpreneur, you’ll enjoy spending much less time cleaning and more time doing the things you love. 

4. Find out all the benefits of cleaning with ENJO

In addition to helping you save time and money, cleaning with ENJO is also safer for your family, better for your health in the long term, and more sustainable than traditional methods.  

Hosting a Demo helps you learn how your family and home will benefit from chemical-free cleaning.

5. Discover how choosing ENJO makes a positive impact

Choosing to clean with ENJO means so much more than just changing your cleaning routine. 

You’ll be making a positive impact by creating a healthy home without harmful fumes and residues, while also benefitting the Earth. 

Did you know that by cleaning with ENJO you’ll be improving your homes indoor air quality? 

Did you know that when using ENJO, your daily and weekly cleaning routine becomes 100% zero waste?

Did you know ENJO products are produced in a Climate Neutral facility in Austria? 

Cleaning with ENJO also helps reduce water use and prevents chemical wastewater.

This information is just an example of what you’ll learn and have the chance to ask about at your Demo.

6. Learn and shop, right at home

Holding a Demo is the perfect balance between shopping online, physically going shopping PLUS having a personal shopper/adviser. 

You get to stay home and browse the products as if you’re doing online shopping, but then you get to physically see and hold the products while having all of your questions answered and your cleaning challenges solved.

7. Catch up with friends + family

Now, and even in the past, life has been full and a good reason to get a few friends together is always a good thing.  By getting together for an ENJO Demo, your friends and family also get to learn about your better ways of cleaning.

Holding a Demo is a great way to get everyone together, spend an hour learning about cleaning without chemicals and enjoying a visit with good company.

8. You get to ask all the questions

Anytime we try something new, it’s natural to have questions. But whether you’re new to ENJO, or you’ve been using it for a while, your Demo is the perfect chance to ask them all! 

What are ENJO products made of? How are they made? What does zero waste mean? How can I get this stain out of my carpet? What cleans high-shine tiles best? All of these great questions, and more, will be answered by your ENJOpreneur as they conduct your Demo and consult with you afterward. 

9. You support a local business owner

Holding an ENJO Demo means supporting a local business owner in your community.  Our ENJOpreneurs invest their time and effort into learning and sharing and they make a difference for families across Canada by sharing ENJO. 

Supporting a local ENJOpreneur also means supporting your local economy – and in return, you’ll receive continued support, personalized service and expert advice relating to your home’s cleaning needs.

If you’re interested in seeing ENJO in action and reaping all the rewards, we’d love to get together with you and your friends!  Be sure to click Book Now below.  

If you have already had an ENJO Demo, why not get your friends together again for a refresher?  This is the perfect opportunity to see what’s new, get any new questions answered, and to earn some additional savings toward your healthy ENJO Home. 

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